Bibliography Folklore Papua

Bibliography Folklore Papua. Dok. KOSAPA
Bibliography Folklore Papua. Dok. KOSAPA
  • Akwan, C. (1991). Ditawan Naga: Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Irian Jaya Bagian Utara. [Capturing the Dragon: Northern Irian Jaya Folktale Collection] Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 123 pp., illustrated. Seri Cerita Rakyat [Folktale Series]. * Out of print: Search for this book.
  • Anonymous (1981f). “The Moor People.” Oral History 9(4): 54-56. This article presents a myth from the Biak People.
  • Anonymous (1979/1980/1981). Cerita Rakyat (Mite dan Legende) daerah Irian Jaya Bahasa Daerah. [Folktales (Myths and Legends) from Irian Jaya in Local Languages] Jayapura: Proyek Inventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Kebudayaan Daerah, Pusat Penelitian Sejarah dan Baudaya, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 104 pp. * Out of print.
  • Anonymous (1982a). Ceritera Rakyat Irian Jaya: Mitos. [Folktales of Irian Jaya: Myths.] Jayapura, Indonesia: Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya, 95 pp., illustrated. * Out of print.
  • Anonymous (1982b). Ceritera Rakyat daerah Irian Jaya. [Folktales from the area of Irian Jaya.] Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Proyek Inventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Kebudayaan Daerah, 174 pp. * Out of print.
  • Anonymous (1983). Ceritera Rakyat daerah Irian Jaya. [Folktales from the area of Irian Jaya.] Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Proyek Inventarisasi dan Dokumentasi Kebudayaan Daerah, 107 pp., illustrated. * Out of print.
  • Anonymous (1997). Ibori(e). In: Miedema (1997), pp. 131-133. * A tale from the Sougb or Manikion People.
  • Beanal, Thomas (1994). Amungme: Magaboarat Negel, Jom-Bei-Peim-Bei. Unpublished report. Tembagapura: PTFI. 33 pp. This document has Amungme origin mythology. *
  • Bergh, Rice R. (1957a). Tourneeverslag van de Administratief Ambtenaar R. R. Bergh, van de Tournee’s: Naar de Dorpen Boho, Majado en Merjoemeb van 15 t/m 18 Mei 1957, van 22 t/m 26 Mei 1957 en van 4 t/m 8 Juni 1957 [Patrol report by the Administrative Officer, R.R. Bergh, about the Village Patrols of Boho, Majado and Merjumeb on 15-18 May 1957, 22-26 May 1957, and 4-8 June 1957]. Unpublished report. *
  • Bergh, Rice R. (1957b). De Asmaron-legende van Majado [The Asmaron myth from Mayado]. Reproduced in Miedema (1997), pp. 175-176. * Interpreted by Pouwer (1998a).
  • Bergh, Rice R. (1957c). De Iboori-legende der Mantioens [The Mantion Myth of Iboori]. Reproduced in Miedema (1997), pp. 118, 121-123. * Interpreted by Pouwer (1998a).
  • Bless, Samuel Asse (2000). Suku Meybrat Tanah Papua: Cerita Rakyat. [The Meybrat People of Papua: Folktales] Semarang, Indonesia: Kelompok Kajian Budaya Papua, Yayasan Binter Busih, 48 pp., illustrated. * Out of print?
  • Briley, Joyce E. (1983). “The Bauzi View of Ritual and Magic.” In: Merriefield et al. (1983), pp. 2-23. In English with an Indonesian summary. This article presents 2 myths of the Bauzi People (p. 4-5, 9-10).
  • Bromley, H. Myron (n.d.). The Highlanders of Irian Jaya: whence? Unpublished paper delivered at Mek Conference, Germany, 14 pp. * Discusses mythological evidence for origins of the Dani Language family.
  • Coenen, Jules & Sjel, Julianus (1960). Bij het gebed van een Bergpapoea. Monotheisme in het Centrale Bergland? [The praying of a mountain Papuan. Monotheism in the central highlands?] Nieuw Guinea Studien 4: 93-100. * A Christian-oriented analysis of Highland mythology.
  • Coenen, Jules (1963). Enkele Facetten van de Geestelijke Cultuur van de Mimika. [Several Facets of the Mimika People’s Spiritual Culture.] 177 pp. * This unpublished analysis of Mimika spiritual life includes appendices of myths.
  • Crawford, I. M. (1971). Report on Aru Island Mythology.. Unpublished manuscript, 4 pp. *
  • Drabbe, Petrus (1947-1950). Folk-tales from Netherlands New Guinea. Oceania 18: 157-175, 248-270; 20: 66-79, 224-240. * This article analyzes 23 myths of the Mimika People, in Mimika and English.
  • Dajoh, M. R. (1961). Irian Barat Pukul Tifa. [West Irian Drum Beat.] Jakarta: Urusan Adat Istiadat dan Tjeritera Rakjat, Djawatan Kebudajaan Dep. P.D. dan K., 117 pp. * Out of print.
  • Dharmojo et al. (1998). Sastra Lisan Ekagi. [Ekagi Oral Literature.] Jakarta: Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 226 pp. This book presents folktales of the Kapauku People. * Out of print: Search for this book.
  • van Enk, Gerrit J. & de Vries, Lourens (1997). The Korowai of Irian Jaya: Their Language in its Cultural Context. New York: Oxford University Press, 321 pp., illustrated. This book presents 4 myths of the Korowai People. The myths are presented simultaneously in Korowai, with word-by-word English translation, and full translation into English (pp. 154-186). In print!
  • Flassy, Don Augusthinus Lamaech (1995). Cerita Rakyat Masyarakat Toror. [Folktales of Toror] Jakarta : Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayan, 51 pp. This is regarding the Toror People. * Out of print: Search for this book.
  • Flassy, Don Augusthinus Lamaech (1997). Toror: A Name Beyond Language and Culture Fusion, Doberai Peninsula, New Guinea, Irian Jaya: A Preliminary Draft. Jayapura: Pemerintah Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya, 511 pp., illustrated. Serie penulisan Irian Jaya 9703C. This is regarding the Toror People. * Out of print: Search for this book.
  • Galis, Klaas Wilhelm (1957). “De grotten van Jaand.” Nieuw Guinea Studien 1: 14-23, illustrated. *
  • Gardner, Robert & Heider, Karl G. (1968). Gardens of War: Life and Death in the New Guinea Stone Age. New York: Random House, 185 pp., illustrated. This book summarizes the immortality myth of the Dani People (pp. 68, 72, 98, 104, 106). Out of print: Search for this book.
  • Geurtjens, H. (1956). “Marind astronomy.” Antiquity and Survival 1: 401-405. This article discusses the mythology of the Marind People. *
  • Gibbons, Donald C. (1978). The cargo myth and the threat it poses to the evangelical church in Irian Jaya. Unpublished manuscript. *
  • Gjellerup, K. (1915). “De legende van de vernietiging door tooverij van de oorspronkelijke bevolking van het schiereiland Sarmi op de Noordkust van Nieuw-Guinea en de herbevolking van dit schiereiland [Le légende de la destruction magiquement de la population native du presqu’île de Sarmi, côte du nord de la Nouvelle-Guinée, et de la repopulation].” [The legend of the magical destruction of the native population of Sarmi Peninsula in northern New Guinea and its repopulation.] Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-Land-en Volkenkunde 57: 31-55, illustrated. *
  • Gregerson, Marilyn & Sterner, Joyce, eds. (1998). Symbolism and Ritual in Irian Jaya. International Museum of Cultures 33. Jayapura, Indonesia: Cenderawasih University / Dallas, TX: Summer Institute of Linguistics, 114 pp., illustrated. * Out of print: Search for this book.
  • Groen, Bruno (1961). Zond-vloed verhaal. Sint Antonius 63(3):64-66. This article reports a flood myth of the Mimika People. *
  • Hauser-Schüblin, Wolfgang, Marschall, & Pinks, Regina (1994). Geschichte und mündliche Überlieferung in Ozeanien: Ethnologisches Seminar der Universität und Museum für Völkerkunde [History and Flood in Oceania: Ethnology Seminar of the University and Museum for Folk Arts] Basel: Wepf, 391 pp., illustrated. Basler Beitrage zur Ethnologie 37. * Out of print.
  • Haenen, Paul (1997). Migratie-mythen en mythen-migraties in de zuidoostelijke Vogelkop [Migration myths and myth migration in the southeastern Bird’s Head.]. Paper presented at the Irian Jaya Studies Project seminar “Bird’s Head Mythology: Description and Analysis”, ISIR Proceedings 1996-1997. *
  • Haenen, Paul (1998). History, exchange, and myth in the southeastern Bird’s Head of Irian Jaya. In: J. Miedema, C. Odé & R. A. C. Dam, eds. Perspectives on the Bird’s Head Peninsula of Irian Jaya, Indonesia: Proceedings of the Conference, Leiden 13-17 October 1997. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, pp. 235-256. * In print!
  • Heeschen, Volker (1990). Ninye Bun: Mythen, Erzählungen, Lieder und Märchen der Eipo im zentralen Bergland von Irian Jaya (West Neuguinea), Indonesien. [Ninye Bun: Myths, Narrations, Songs and Fairy Tales of the Eipo in the Central Mountain Country of Irian Jaya (West New Guinea), Indonesia.] Berlin: D. Reimer, 408 pp. This book presents myths of the Eipo People in Eipo and German. * Out of print: Search for this book.
  • Heider, Karl G. (1979). Grand Valley Dani: Peaceful Warriors. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 149 pp., illustrated. This book presents 2 myths of the Dani People (117-119). In print!
  • Held, Gerrit Jan (1956). Waropense Teksten (Geelvinkbaai, Noord Nieuw-Guinea). [Warop Texts (Geelvink Bay, North New Guinea)] ’s-Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 400 pp. This is regarding the Warop People. * Out of print.
  • Held, Gerrit Jan (1957). The Papuans of Waropen. Koninkijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands) Translation series 2. The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 384 pp., illustrated. This discusses the mythology of the Warop People. * Out of print.
  • Hillhouse, Laurens (collector) & Mohr-Grandstaff, Marie V. (editor & translator) (1975). Man in Essence: Folk Tales and Photographs from Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Los Altos, CA: Hillhouse Publications, 92 pp., illustrated. This book presents 16 myths of the Asmat People. Out of print: Search for this book.
  • Ircham M. C. (1980). Mansren Koreri, Mengenal Beberapa Suku dan Ceritera Rakyat Irian Jaya. [Mansren Koreri, To Know a few Ethnic Groups and Folktales of Irian Jaya] Bandung, Indonesia: Binacipta, 107 pp., illustrated. * Out of print.
  • Jaruki, Muhammad & Mardiyanto (1993). Cerita Rakyat dari Irian Jaya. [Folktales from Irian Jaya] Jakarta: Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, 34 pp., illustrated. Contents: Contents: “Waso”, “Woiram”, Irimiami dan Isoray”, Bidan Bayi”, Caadara”, Maaruma dan Wangan Nei”, and “Mamle”. * Out of print.
  • Jensen, A.E. (1939). Eine Ost-Indonesische Mythe als Ausdruck einer Weltanschaung [An east Indonesian myth as a sign of a world view]. Paideuma 1: 199-216. * This article discusses the mythology of the Aru Islands.
  • Kamma, F. C. (1955). De Messiaanse Koreri-bewegingen in het Biaks-Noemfoorse cultuurgebied. 2. Druk. Den Haag, Netherlands: J. N. Voorhoeve, 250 pp. This is regarding messianic myths of the Biak People. * Out of print.
  • Kamma, F. C. (1975). Religious Texts of the Oral Tradition from Western New-Guinea (Irian Jaya). Leiden, Netherlands: E. J. Brill. Nisaba 3. Contains the myth, “Uri and Pasai and the creatures on land and on the sea” on pp. 48-50. * Out of print: Search for this book.
  • Kalmbacher, Carol (1983). “Came, Female Culture Hero.” In: Merriefield et al. (1983), pp. 24-41. In English with an Indonesian summary. This article presents 2 versions the myth of Came from the Isirawa (Saberi) People (pp. 27-35) and compares it to similar myths among the Berik and Kwerba Peoples, as reported in Ooserterwal (1961).
  • Land, C., op’t (1959). “Sosom, de zon in de regentijd.” Nieuw Guinea Studien 3: 260-270. *
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